
THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE PEOPLE (CISP) intends to contribute, in the spirit of the international associations for solidarity and cooperation, to the achievement of concrete conditions for the development and self-determination of peoples, for the respect for human rights, for the fulfilment of the basic needs of the person, and to contrast social exclusion.” PRIORITY To promote the Rights of people to wellbeing by contributing to create Sustainable positive Change. APPROACH To develop partnerships, ownership and resilience, to mainstream innovation and good practices, to ensure quality, accountability, Sustainability, and learning, to focus on inclusion and women empowerment.


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Salary & Benefits
Salary review every 6 months based on the work performance
Company Culture
Company trip once a year and Team building once a month
Skill Development
Well trained and dedicated to being able to catch the pace smoothly.
Work Satisfaction
Our office is located with creative, open workspaces and a high-quality engaging environment.


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