FUEL OFFICER by UNSOS in Supply Chain And Logistics PCVE National Project Analyst by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Project Management Terms of Reference for Digitalization of Health and Nutrition service under Somalia Humanitarian Integrated Project (SHIP)-ECHO3 by World Vision International (WVI) in Consultancies Re-advert for Institutional and Financial Capacity Assessment for Developing a Green Climate Fund Proposal in Somalia. by Save The Childrens International in Consultancies Re-advert for Conducting a Legal Due Diligence Assessment for Save the Children’s Green Climate Fund Proposal Development in Somalia. by Save The Childrens International in Consultancies RE- ADVERT INVITATION TO BID (ITB) FOR QUOTATION FOR INDIGENOUS POULTRY by Beacon Organization in National Recruitment: Midwifery Analyst – FTA- NOB by UNFPA in Health / Wash National Recruitment: Population and Development Specialist – FTA- NOC by UNFPA in Development IT- INTERN by GIZ in IT / Technology / Computers Wash Assistant (2 positions) – Hargeisa & Burao by Islamic Relief in Health / Wash