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Wash Assistant (2 positions) – Hargeisa & Burao
Job role insights
Date posted
March 9, 2025
Closing date
March 19, 2025
3-4 Years
Job description
Job title: Wash Assistant (2 positions)
Department: Program
Location: Hargeisa & Burao
Closing Date: 19/03/2025
Contract period: 12 Months
Report to: Senior Wash Officer
Line Management: N/A
Islamic Relief Worldwide's Somaliland Programme has been operating in Somaliland since 2010 and has responded to climate, drought, and man-made disaster-affected people through the provision of life-saving assistance and development programs. Through our projects, Islamic Relief has continuously been providing safe drinking water through the drilling and rehabilitation of strategic boreholes, the construction and rehabilitation of earth dams, shallow wells, and other water facilities; improving hygienic sanitation facilities; increasing hygiene awareness, particularly among those living in IDP camps; empowering the urban poor and distressed working children; engaging in conflict management and mitigation; and strengthening community cohesiveness and co-existence.
Under the supervision of the senior WASH officer, the WASH assistants will be responsible for the design, implementation, follow-up, and supervision of drilling and rehabilitation of boreholes, earth dams, and shallow wells; NFI distribution; water trucking; conduct the technical assessment on wash and livelihood infrastructures; hygiene promotion campaigns; conducting PHAST and CHAST training; and conducting Water Committee training and hygiene promotion activities of IRW Somaliland that are based on the Hargeisa & Burao Offices. In addition, he/she will provide the necessary support to the senior wash Officer to implement all activities of WASH projects and other project activities. Thus, WASH Assistant will be responsible for helping the senior wash officer in providing Preparing Construction BoQ, Design wash & livelihood infrastructures, offer the technical guidance to volunteers, contractors, skilled and unskilled daily laborer’s, host community and partners at field level under his duty areas of assignment and ensure that water facility improvement adheres to appropriate international ,local standard and conduct the comprehensive need assessment which is reflect the community needs and preferences.
· Design and prepare boqs for water infrastructure, Market sheds, Earth Dams, pipeline extension and any other required infrastructure schemes with consultation of Senior WASH officer and other Islamic Relief Somaliland office Management.
· plan and follow-up of rehabilitation of shallow wells, earth dams and boreholes and any other infrastructure.
· Planning and implementing of NFI distribution, water trucking and conducting hygiene promotion campaigns.
· Conduct hygiene promotion campaign including training of trainers on hygiene promotion (for community volunteers, WASH committee members, health workers).
· Provide technical support on hygiene promotion to the community volunteers, WASH committee members and health workers; and developing a culture sensitive IEC material for hygiene promotion activities.
· Conduct the frequent field visits to the operational sites during the rehabilitation and other construction wash activities and produce the progress report on the activity progress and work quality.
· Conduct the field monitoring and inspecting the new borehole developments, and with help of senior wash officer exercising the various types of pump test and collect the hydro-geophysical properties during the borehole drilling.
· With the guidance of the senior wash officer, ensure that health and safety monitoring is incorporated into all construction activities, including water works repairing, livelihood infrastructure developments as well as Maintain a good relationship with the community and service providers.
· With support and supervision, join in supporting the assessment of emergency needs when required and collect and record basic needs assessment data from communities.
· Supervising any construction related to Islamic Relief implementing Projects in Somaliland regions.
· Carrying out the proper documentation and recording for the project events.
· To ensure timely implementation of planned water and sanitation activities.
· Collect situation updates and challenges being faced by the beneficiaries and ensure all it is reported
· Liaise and coordinate with community leaders, health workers and related local authorities.
· Provide necessary support to senior WASH officer, project officer through design, plan, liaise, archive, implement and follow-up the detailed implementation work plan for all activities of WASH projects to achieve the project’s objective on time.
· Ensure community mobilization is conducted in all field related to water, hygiene and sanitation.
· Plan, organize, supervise and evaluate the distribution of all hygiene supplies such as hygiene kits and cleaning kits to IDPs, and host communities.
· Work with the WASH team to develop and evaluate methodologies for promoting sanitation such as CLTS (community-led total sanitation), or latrines construction.
· With the WASH team, undertake the initial and final KAP (Knowledge, Attitude, Practice) surveys.
· With the WASH team, implement the PDM survey (Post Distribution Monitoring) for hygiene kits and NFI tools distributed.
· Collection, consolidation, and reporting of monthly water trucking and boreholes and shallow wells rehabilitated by providing related data necessary for the consolidation of standard project and strategic indicators (number of beneficiaries, number and type of activity performed, results of the project activities performed).
· Strictly follow up all WASH standards such as SPHARE standards, CHS and WASH cluster standards.
· Submit monthly (or each time when necessary) written and oral reports to the senior WASH officer.
· Participate actively in collecting the required data needed for reports.
· Coordinate WASH hygiene activities with other sectors of IRW in order to integrate activities in the same geographical area and for the same beneficiaries.
· Ensure the integration of gender, child protection, people living with disability, the environment and other crosscutting issues into the design, implementation and development of hygiene promotion activities, and ensure that activities consider the needs of specific groups and individuals, especially children, the elderly and disabled.
· Attend WASH related inter agency cluster meetings at regional level and report back to the senior WASH officer.
· Fill the 4W matrix for WASH cluster and share with Senior WASH officer.
· Undertake any other duties as may be assigned by the WASH Officer/WASH project officer.
Skills and qualifications
· Holds self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Islamic Relief Worldwide values.
· Holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development.
- Sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and their team, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same
- Widely shares their personal vision for Islamic Relief Somaliland office, engages and motivates others.
- Future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale.
- Builds and maintains effective relationships, with IRS other team, colleagues, members and external partners and supporters
- Values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
- Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to
- Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
- Willing to take disciplined risks
- Honest, encourages openness and transparency; demonstrates highest levels of integrity
- First Degree of water engineer, Civil Engineer or Architecture Engineer or hydraulic or other related fields from a recognized/accredited Institution
- Master degree will be an added advantage.
- Proven experience working in a humanitarian/recovery context.
- At least 3 years of accrued working experience in WASH with in an international NGO or local NGOs. With good knowledge of working relationship of local authorities and administrations.
- Have the technical expertise on WASH infrastructure developments
- Good knowledge of the technical report writing.
- Ability and willingness to travel extensively to the field.
- Knowledge of hydraulic modelling software including Epanet, water CAD as well as familiar with the professional usage of GIS and Google Earth for designing and profiling the water distribution systems
- Good computer skills and knowledge on Auto Desk programs (AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, SAP and E-TAB) Microsoft word, power point presentation, internet.
· Effective Communication, and excellent interpersonal and mobilization skills
· Having proactive management and leadership skills
· Capability to write brief reports and share information based on the needs
· Experience of working with the context and familiarized the ways work with the other co-workers and understand of teamwork.
· Good written and spoken English
· Having conflict resolution and stress management skills.
· Ability to understand the humanitarian principles, do no harm principle and constantly apply the wash technical guidelines including sphere standard, MR-WASH and Somali wash cluster guideline
· Commitment to the aims and beliefs of Islamic relief and able to represent IR to communities
· Good knowledge and understanding of wash system, and livelihood infrastructure development works.
Child Safeguarding: Safeguarding and protection of staff: We need to keep children safe so our selection process, which includes rigorous background checks, reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.
How to apply
Islamic Relief Somalia/Somaliland Program is inviting applications from qualified and motivated candidates. If you are interested please submit your updated CV and cover letter as a single PDF document (maximum 3 pages) to on or before 19th March 2025.
NB! Make sure to indicate the subject line of your email as “Wash Assistant – Hargeisa” or “Wash Assistant – Burco”
Islamic Relief is a faith-inspired humanitarian aid and development agency working to save and transform the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people
Established in the UK in 1984, we work in over 45 countries, assist people of all faiths according to need and do not discriminate in any way.
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